make it


Amplify positive experiences by providing information, events, and outcomes that violate expectations

A man walks into a bookstore. “Where’s the self-help section?” he asks the clerk. She shrugs and replies, “If I tell you, won’t that defeat the purpose?”

~ Anonymous


We all know what a surprised facial expression looks like.

Surprise is an emotion arising from a mismatch between an expectation and what is actually observed or experienced. 

Think of a surprise as a neurological error signal. This signal can be positive (experiencing an expected positive experience) or negative (failing to experience an expected positive outcome). 

But surprise does not only generate an emotional reaction. Neurologically we experience a burst of dopamine, which tells us something important just happened. Now you are reading this article. If suddenly the pencil on your desk moves on its own, that will capture your attention (we have a schema that tells us objects are not supposed to move on their own), it will make you curious (read more in Make it Intriguing) and since we are hardwired to make sense of our environment (read more in Make it Meaningful), your brain will immediately try to find an explanation. For example, you may indeed realise that the air blown around by your fan moved the pencil. 

Experiments have shown the power of surprise provides a multitude of benefits, from helping us to focus our attention, to improving learning, and making experiences memorable, to inspiring us to look at our situation in new ways, to thriving social relationships (isn’t romance all about surprises?).

For example, in a classroom setting, students are more persuaded by a surprising explanation that goes against their held expectations.

Why leave surprise moments to chance when we can design them with our actions and creations?

You have probably heard of the saying “surprise and..delight”. So, how do we design for the unexpected? Well, there are many specific ways of doing so.

Let’s look at some:

Set and Violate Expectations

The first and most obvious is to intentionally set up expectations and then exceed them with surprisingly positive outcomes. For example, this explains why Zappos goes to such lengths to deliver shoes before they are promised. 

World-view disruptor

The second technique involves disrupting our worldview. Surprise arises from a discrepancy between an actual outcome and an existing schema, knowledge or belief. Simply put, people would think: “what I see doesn't make sense”. This also makes it intriguing as we are drawn to find a resolution, an explanation. Schema incongruent messages are used by advertisers to capture our attention.

For example, why is a bear a movie maker in CANAL+ commercial? 

Humor effect

A unique kind of violation of expectations are those that make us smile and laugh. Research has shown that what differentiates funny things from merely surprising ones is that people find humor in what they call “benign violations”: violations that make us uncomfortable, but ultimately are safe (for example an event that was funny, is no longer funny if we learn someone got hurt).

Humour reduces stress, increases recalls and brings people together. Most importantly, humour can increase awareness, knowledge, and actions. Because humour also gets people talking and sharing, humour is a powerful tool for communication campaigns.

For example, “Dumb ways to die”, a campaign by Metro Trains in Melbourne to promote rail safety, went viral in 2012 and has hit 216 million views on YouTube. This campaign showed that, sometimes, a life-and-death issue can be discussed with humour. 


A similar approach was adopted by the “Pinkie” safe driving campaign, which reduced simulated driving speeds by an average of 4 km per hour

Despite its power to influence behaviour, humour is rarely seen in communication campaigns, which often frame the message as either attractive by highlighting the gains, or aversive - by highlighting the losses (the latter with risks of triggering a defensive response). 

The same is true for user experiences. Technology and innovation has led us to a life more predictable than before. Yelp helps us avoid bad restaurants and alert us to must-try items at good ones. Dating apps let us investigate our date before the first date. Google Maps prevents us from ever getting lost. 

While this leads to efficiency - and often that is great - designers risk robbing brands and products of opportunities for delightful surprises. A notable exception in the context of user experience is MailChimp, which uses a monkey mascot - Freddie Von Chimpenheimer - as a way to inject humor into the user experience.

Freddie Von Chimpenheimer, MailChimp

Successful use of humor can help you establish an emotional connection with your users and remind them that there are real humans behind the design. By doing so, it also makes technology more likeable.

Leveraging unpredictability is also one of the most effective ways to make rewards (especially monetary and tangible ones) less "controlling, and thus less extrinsic.

In addition to all the benefits of the unexpected, leveraging surprise is cheap.  

So, why leave surprise moments to chance when we can design them with our actions and creations?  

Related Tactics

Set and violate expectations

Purposefully establish expectations and then intentionally deliver information or outcomes that contradict or exceed those expectations  (e.g under-promise and over-deliver to exceed expectations).

Online shoe and clothing retailer Zappos goes to such lengths to deliver shoes before they are promised.


World-view disruptor

Challenge and disrupt people's existing understanding of the world by presenting information or outcomes that defy their expectations or preconceived notions

Canal+'s "The Bear" commercial break a schema by giving a role of movie director to a bear



Provide unexpected micro-moments of surprise (e.g. interaction or animation) to delight users with or without people’s inputs.

MailChimp uses a monkey mascot - Freddie Von Chimpenheimer - as a way to inject humor into the user experience.


Further Readings

Novelty or Surprise?

Frontiers in Psychology | Andrew Barto etl al.

Surprise, Anticipation, and Sequence Effects in the Design of Experiential Services

Production and Operations Management | Michael Dixon et al.

Surprise, Recipes for Surprise, and Social Influence

Topics in Cognitive Science | Jeffrey Loewenstein

Surprise Is Still the Most Powerful Marketing Tool

Harvard Business Review | Scott Redick


make it
