1-3 days training program to learn how to apply behaviour design within your company or organisation.
Make it toolkit was chosen by Techsauce Global Summit 2020 - the largest tech event in Thailand to offer participants an experential workshop on how to apply behavioural science to their products and services.
Mainstream our model and design process into your university program offerings.
Make it toolkit was chosen by Elisava Design School to bring behavioural science into their Service Design class, part of Master in Research for Design and Innovation (MIDI). Its success led to a future partnership to co-create an Advanced Certificate program in Service Design & Behaviourl Science.
Get guided by a Make it coach to help you design behaviourally-informed interventions and experiences
Make it toolkit was chosen by AI & Robotics Ventures (ARV) as the methodology to redefine the vision of a health-tech product to serve over 3 million people in Thailand and build a behaviour design and gamification team.
Warakorn Sermleelatham
Senior Digital Marketing Manager, TidLor
Arpar Sae-Lim
VP Digital Marketing, TidLor
Thanakrit Sriwattanatanma
UX Designer, TidLor
Change the way you look at people: from rational to fundamentally irrational.
Learn strategies to overcome psychological bottlenecks and leverage cognitive biases and behavioural design patterns to influence behavior.
Practice how to move from problem, to research, to solutions with design thinking, powered by behavioural science.
Insights on how to strategically apply the 15 universal strategies.
to help you generate and test features and solutions, fast.
from hundreds of academic papers and case studies to help you learn from the success and failure of your competitors, and make informed decisions.
Are you part of an in-house design team or a consulting practice and ready to join our growing network of Certified Facilitators?